Friday, September 3, 2010

It's been awhile. I'll try to be better.

Today, the temperature dropped noticeably by several degrees. The air smells different. The cicadas are quiet. Summer is quietly slipping her sun-kissed shoulders into a sweater the colors of pumpkin and purple. I love Fall, but I really hate to see Summer fade. Sigh.

This summer, I worked. I worked to the point of exhaustion - so much so that I literally did nothing but vegetate on my days off. I look back over the last several days and weeks, and I regret the wasted time. However, there were a few highlights.

I spent a fun week in our nation's capitol exploring the many museums and historic landmarks to the point of total saturation.

I ended a stressful relationship with a long-time friend and felt only relief.

I nursed a friend in need - not only by my skills with a needle, but with my compassion for a friend with a wounded heart.

I gave up and got bifocals. . .and, with great pleasure, started to read books again.

I turned fifty, dammit.

I shared an extremely private moment (which will remain private) with my best friend in a bathroom in a bar after many shots of Patron. . .and fell in love with her all over again.

I danced.

I got a concussion while being dipped while dancing. (No comments from the peanut gallery, thankyouverymuch.)

I watched my best friend fall deeply in love with the right man.

I helped my youngest daughter move into her first apartment.

I spent hours at a time in deep discussions about life, love, and the future with my middle daughter and enjoyed every minute of it.

I helped my oldest daughter come to the realization that a Harvard degree doesn't mean much when the man holding it isn't the one she truly loves.

I spent a warm summer's night on a trampoline sleeping under the stars with an eighty-pound dog as my blanket buddy.

I danced. . .again.

Wow. I was wrong. This was one of the best fucking summers of my life.

Miss you, Ash.